Drama Club
Established in 2000, the Drama Club is a CCA initiated by students who were passionate about bringing the world of theatre to the school. Since its establishment, the Drama Club, more affectionately known as Whitelight Productions, has achieved numerous accolades.
The Drama Club has a tradition of excellence and takes pride in being a club of distinction. Members of the CCA strive to do their best by being inclusive, positive, supportive and encouraging as they gather to discuss contemporary issues and transform them into performative art.
*Additional sessions will be organised for selected students for the preparation of various events. Sessions are subject to change in 2023.
Training Days (2025)
Monday : 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Thursday: 3.30pm to 5.30pm
*Additional sessions will be organised for selected students for the preparation of various events. Sessions are subject to change.
Achievements and Highlights 2023
Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation: Certificate of Commendation
ReACT Showcase: An inter-school exchange for students to explore contemporary issues through Drama.
International Science Center Drama Competition
3rd Position (Film Category)
Finalists (Drama Category)
Learning journey to “Monster in the Mirror”
Achievements and Highlights 2022
International Science Drama Competition (Participation)
SYF Goes Online Showcase: 1 student’s Monologue was selected for the nationwide showcase
We created a play about memories and cherishing our loved ones: Madah
We highlighted the plight of refugees and how we should help them in the darkest of times.
In the production, Quiet Desperation, we highlighted the importance of mental health and how we need to forge a kinder society.
Our very first production: The Little Girl and the Funny Old Tree