CNY 2021
Chinese New Year (CNY) Celebration at WGS is one of the most anticipated event in Term 1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we had an exceptionally different CNY celebration as compared to the ones done in the previous years. All students celebrated the CNY in their own classrooms to comply with the SMM advisories.
Our theme for this year’s CNY celebration was Together As A Team In The Celebration Of CNY, which aimed to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Chinese culture, whilst promoting inclusion and integration of the diverse and multicultural communities in Singapore.
The festive celebration commenced with the livestream of Woodgrove Chinese Orchestra Percussion Ensemble to welcome the students, teachers and school leaders with their arrangements of 《鼓乐新春》(Gǔ Yuè Xīn Chūn) and performance of《迎春接福》(Yíng Chūn Jiē Fú)which gave prominence to the traditional Chinese instruments and ignited the CNY mood. This was followed by another livestream of the Introduction to CNY which comprised of powerpoint slides and videos highlighting the interesting Legends of CNY and Chinese Zodiacs, as well as the exciting Lion dance performances.

Our Live Stream emcees, Xenn Lim and Alya, from class 2E3.

Our AVA heroes behind the successful live streaming of CNY 2021

Live Streaming of our Chinese Orchestra Percussion Ensemble

Students watching live streaming of pre-recorded
Chinese Orchestra Performance at their classroom
Second segment of the CNY celebration was the class-based activities. Each class was represented by four emcees who facilitated the classroom activities and programmes, such as CNY quiz, Ox origami, Sec 1 TikTok presentation clips, and videos about CNY celebrations and Woodgrove Modern Dance Club’s dance piece《龙腾九霄献祥瑞,牛转乾坤迎新岁》(Vibrancy and Prosperity in the Year of Ox).

Our Class emcees training in action

Class emcees facilitating the CNY Quiz in class

Students learning how to fold the origami Ox from the Powerpoint slides

Student enjoying the fun of origami

Students busy decorating the white board using the origami Ox

Our final origami product of CNY 2021 decoration
To conclude the festive occasion, two CNY songs were played which all the students and staff enjoyed.