School Safety and Traffic Management
School Safety and Traffic Management:
Safety Vision
A Safe School for a Community of Future-Ready Learners and Thoughtful Leaders.
Safety Mission
To provide a Safe teaching, learning and working environment for the students and staff.
School Layout Plan
The school layout plan is as illustrated. Student classrooms are located in Blocks C and D. Special rooms such as laboratories, Design and Technology Workshops and The Nook are located at Blocks B, E and G respectively. The school canteen is at level 1 of Block F.

Traffic Management Plan
The Woodgrove Secondary School (WGS) Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is an integral part of the School Safety Management.
Operation Hours of School Gates
Students can enter and exit the school via Gates A, B, C and E during the stipulated gate opening/closing hours:
Gate |
Gate Opening/Closing Timing |
Remarks |
Gate A (Main Gate) |
6.30am – 6.30pm |
Monday - Friday |
Gates B and C |
6.30am – 7.45am |
Gate B Opens on Rainy Days ONLY |
2.25pm – 3.45pm
Monday - Thursday
12.25pm – 2.00pm
Friday |
Gate E (Turnstile) |
6am – 7.25am (IN)
Monday - Friday |
2.15pm – 6.15pm (OUT) |
Monday - Thursday |
12.15pm – 6.15pm (OUT) |
Friday |
Safe Route for Vehicles
All vehicles must comply with the speed limit of 15km/h within the school compound. Vehicular movement within the school will be carefully controlled during assembly and dismissal periods.
The schools will deploy traffic marshals to direct cars coming into schools to drop off/ pick up students during peak periods.
Parents can drive into the school to drop off/ pick-up their children at the porch's immediate front. No vehicle can park at the school porch or the immediate front.
Vehicles entering the school shall follow the instructions given by the Security Officers and school authorised personnel.
Under the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations, stationary vehicles within the school compound should switch off idling engines.
Safe Route for Pedestrians
At the start of school on non-rainy days, students are to use Gate C and Gate E (Turnstile) to enter the school within the stipulated hours mentioned above.
Students enter Gate C to walk under the covered walkway towards the school foyer enroute to the classrooms.
Students enter Gate E (Turnstile) to walk under the covered walkway towards the canteen enroute to the classrooms.
During rainy days, students can also use Gate B to enter the school between 6.30am - 7.45am. For after school dismissal, students are to use Gate B, C and Gate E to leave the school.
Students are not allowed to walk across the parking area and driveway when exiting the school.
Safe Route for Cyclists
At the start of the school year, students who cycle to school will each be issued the parents' consent form to cycle to school. They are to obtain either of their parents’ acknowledgment of the consent form, before returning the signed copy to school.
Students should make sure that the bicycle is in good working condition, e.g. working brakes, tyres, lights (front and rear), bell, are working, chains are secure, etc.
Students should always wear protective gear, such as a helmet, and proper shoes to protect against injuries.
Students should not use his or her mobile phone, including in-ear attachment or listen to music through earphones while cycling.
No pillion passengers shall be carried on a bicycle.
Cycling abreast is prohibited.
No cycling is allowed in the school compound. The cyclist must dismount from the bicycle (@ Gates B or C) and push the bicycle to park and lock it at the designated bicycle parking bay (near entrance of Gate B).
School Lightning Warning System
The school is equipped with a Lightning Warning system and the locations of the light sirens are at the school field, parade square, school canteen and the Indoor Sports Hall area.
Upon receiving a lightning alert, the light sirens will automatically illuminate. Staff and students should cease all outdoor activities.
The following guidelines should be observed until the notification for lightning alert is being lifted:
1. Do not stay in open areas (e.g. school field, outdoor fitness area).
2. Take shelter under safe structures such as any large building blocks in the school.
3. Do not take shelter in partially sheltered structures such as wooden huts/ sheds and tents in the open areas.
4. Do not stand under tall trees or lamp/telephone poles.
5. Stay off bicycles.
As lightning activities are possible during a bright and sunny day, students are to look out for the lightning warning light siren before stepping outdoors, especially the parade square.
As a safety measure, the school has put up signages at locations around the parade square to warn students of lightning warning.
While in school, students should use covered walkways and/or walk under any large building blocks in the school.